Friday, July 13, 2007

Nasi Kuning

The celebrative dish of yellow rice
it is in Javenese custom to celebrate events with a set of ‘nasi kuning’ as translated as yellow rice. a complete set of yellow rice would comprises of: - the yellow rice made of beras or rice, cooked in coconut milk, salt, yellow tumeric as coloring agent and flavour, lemon grass, kaffir lime leaves. soon right after it is cooked, the rice is formed to resemblance a small mountain, whereas the complimentary dishes would act as the other elements of the miniature of nature in a dish; - ’pergedel’ the mashed potatoes added with finely chopped beef and sliced celeries: - ’kering tempe’ chopped soybean cake marinated with coconut milk, chilli, onion and garlic spices then fried till dry and crunchy; - chicken marinated with garlic, onion, galangal, lemon grass, then fried; - ’empal’ stewed beef marinated with almost the same spices as fried chicken then deep fried; nicely shredded omelettes; added with fresh garnishes of raw chilly, tomatoes, carrots, cucumber and celery ..
all served on banan leaves on a bamboo woven serving mat called ‘tampah’ … the yellow rice alone should be so rich and delicious ..
it is believed that the whole contents of nasi kuning symbolized all elements in nature. the colourful items and rich contents along with so complex spices ..
the time needed to make one set of nasi kuning alone would worth making this meal a special and celebrative complete meal ..

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